
By JulieRoyHug


Great service dog!*:)  Hugs and Kisses!*:)  We'll get the dishes done!*  Play some Yoga for Baby Doc!*:)  Beddie Beddie up now Hug!*:)  Find a good recipe for Roy in the cookbook!*:)  We made a pasta noodle packet, Roy was talking about following the directions!*:)  Directions on the packets*  Directions on the box!*:)  He is such a good restaurant worker!*:)  Hugs and Kisses!*:)  "Good walking, Good looking"!*:)  When he's excited, we call him "Blingitz"*!:)  Baby Doc's BEST FRIEND!*:)  star circle heart:)!*  My SSI Network*  ((with walking))  Hugs and Kisses!*:)  "7 foot spine"*!:)  Don't hurt your back today, Julie!*:)  Star circle heart:)!*  Helping with chores!*:)  So much to get done!*:)  He has a ball!*:)  Star circle heart!*:)!*

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