Sitting Gull!
3°C - Feels like -4°C - 29 mph Wind Speed - 39 mph Gusts - Cloudy - Rainy - Some Sunny Spells.
Still very gusty, but the birds were out in the garden again. Frig almost empty so had to go shopping - Aldis and Lidls! When parking in Lidls I saw this Gull sitting all alone and taking up a whole parking space to himself - never seen a sitting Gull before let alone one in a parking space so he had to be blipped. I did wonder if he was injured, but when I moved the car forward he got up and walked away, as you can see in my blip. I had to shoot him through the car windscreen, but managed a few good shots - then a van drove into the next parking space and the Gull flew away!
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