Snow on Hoy (Day 1740)

Leaving morning woofer wandering duties to my beautiful wife, I zoomed into town to see a potential customer first thing this morning. There looks to be about a week's worth of work to do for him, and I am fairly sure that I will get the job.
Next up another job in town to look at a leaking washbasin. It turned out that the caustic solution the customer had used to clear a blockage in the drain had eaten through the basin waste. Easy enough to diagnose and repair.
Back home for lunch via the merchants to get an update on some stuff I have on order. I headed off to Stromness to see if I could get a bit done in C&C's shower room, but the electrician reckoned the power would be off all day, and with no lights in the shower room, I gave up for the day. I stopped off at the shore to get a quick snap of Hoy with a bit of a dusting of snow, then dropped in past Mum and Dad for a quick catch up.
Home to get changed and off out again to the horses with HV.
This evening we are off to the cinema.

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