Spring has sprung!

The walking group was cancelled this morning due to the weather so I did a few bits in the house. 

Just as I was getting ready to go to yoga there was a heavy snowstorm with great big flakes swirling around in the wind. There's a photo of it falling around the farm in extras.

When I got to F's and parked I couldn't get out of the car outside his house due to the flood caused by a blocked drain in the road. Luckily I'd put boots in which I had to wear to get across the pavement.

We went to yoga then back to Ff's for a cup of tea and biscuits. He collects and runs old wind up trains and this Hornby Type 40 (made in 1950) had a broken spring. The engine and it's spring just had to be blipped before being mended in F's workshop (his kitchen table).

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