Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Sweet winnings

Arrived at work this morning to find my desk unmolested for a change. It wasn’t adorned with St George crosses or English roses. Seems some people only want to decorate my desk when they win. It was good to collect my winnings though. Nothing tastes sweeter than free chocolate from a Scotsman. Storm Ciara hit with strong winds and snow showers so the Cani sport run was called off. Decided on the turbo trainer tonight instead of going out for a run. While I was on there Kilda found the box of her food for after running in my bag and broke into the box to help herself. I only realised once I had put her dinner down. This was quickly removed but she almost got double dinner. She will be short on breakfast though as she will only get the leftovers in the morning.

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