
The snow, slush and ice had almost gone this morning, and I made it to the bus stop without being battered by driving sleet.  It has continued to be cold and windy day with a range of precipitation - rain, sleet and snow, with intermittent bursts of sunshine.  I am so sick of this weather. I don't; mind cold and I don't mind snow, but all this wet and wind is awful.  I was stuck at my desk for the majority of the day, but did take myself out for some very fresh air at lunchtime when there was a break in proceedings.

I was glad to get home, although I left a cold office for a cold house.  Someone came to see the boiler today, but parts need to be ordered.  He was hopeful he would have them tomorrow.  We’ll see.

This was taken in one the intermittent bursts of sunshine – such a blue sky, and a bright photo bomber for good measure!

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