In A Fog

First of all thank you so much for all the hearts and stars from yesterday's photo.  They are all so much appreciated!!  A sweet little face can win over the masses.  Now on to today.....

Today is primary day in New Hampshire - where a representative from each part (Democratic and Republican) gets picked to run for president and the election in November.  New Hampshire is the first official primary in the country.  Not sure how we got that honor as we are not a very typical slice of the American pie.  Not a very diverse state, not a very populous state, but "we", the proverbial we, fight for that distinction almost every year.   As such, we have been inundated to the point of foggggg with political ads, town hall forums with the candidates (a good thing) and so much hoopla.  Unfortunately, our current president felt he also had to make a visit here yesterday - roads closed, general havoc in the state's largest city, Manchester.  I just don't know how 11,000 people could be supporters of this man.  Most of his speech was made up of untruths, he is fact checked constantly.  I just don't understand.  As my nephew texts, "smh", shaking my head.  

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