
By kas18


Went out to take some pictures of the boys enjoying the snow and got ambushed! I was slaughtered. Never mind my camera!
The dogs had a wonderful time playing in the snow. Took so many more photos of them today.....Oscar is actually starting to pose for me :) they are both worn out and cuddled together on Maisie's bed snoring!....quite sweet really.
Started the day with a bootcamp session at 6.15 this morning. I looked like a burglar when I set off in the dark. I was wearing my black leggings, black fleece, black gloves and black fleece hat. It was -2 but you soon warmed up. I really enjoyed it. Bit of a shock to the system getting up at 5.00 though! O well if I want to shift that last bit of weight then I've jolly well got to work at it!
Very disappointed at fat club today as I stayed the same :( better than putting on though!
Undecided about whether to go swimming tonight or not....I know I'll feel guilty if I don't! Decisions, decisions!

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