The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Rain Has(n’t) Gone

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I gave in. Having to use either the torch or the camera zoom on my phone to read the small print in dimly lit restaurants is now too annoying so I had two options - wear a head torch and grow longer arms or get glasses.

I opted for the latter.

I already know that I am going to find them VERY annoying. Aside from the fact that a rendition of “I Can See Clearly Now” starts in my head every time I put them on, it’s the whole on/off thing. Anything far away looks blurry and if I look up without taking them off, I feel very disoriented. A bit like that horrible realisation when you realise that you have snowballed* from squffy to too drunk.

But at least I can read at nighttime. I’m sure it won’t be long before I have perfected the fetching look of falling asleep with my mouth open, a book on my chest and crooked glasses. The Prince is a lucky man!


*not with actual snowballs. Advocaat doesn’t contain much alcohol.

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