Platform 6 at 7

My Dear Princess and Dear Fat Pete,

This is the railway station shortly after my train arrived. So far, I am not finding the commute too bad. 

This is partly thanks to Punky, who has adjusted his timescales to match my new getting up time. He has decided that 4.30am is a perfectly acceptable time to wake me up.

Not only that, but his TECHNIQUE has changed too. Previously, he used to scratch at the bed. Now he hops up next to my pillow and nudges me in the face. I get this little wet nose in my ear.

It is sort of adorable and annoying at the same time.

Jasper is still not as confident as Punky, but he is doing a lot better. He's been out and about exploring today. And there have been purrs too. He's not quite the cat he was, but he is getting there.

AAAAND MPI finally cracked today and offered me the rate I was demanding. On the one hand, it's good because I like money. On the other I am sort of annoyed because I was settling in for the big departure. 

Mind you, it is only a 6 week extension to my contract. But at least I know that I will be making this journey until mid-April now.


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