
By NinjaShoe

Rivey Hill

At 9.30am with just us there. It was great fun going down but a bit of a trudge coming up again.

The Junior School in the village was closed as an insufficient number of teachers could get in from surrounding villages, but the College and the Infant School were open. This made for a bad tempered start to the day....well you can delighted child dancing around in his PJ's whist the others got their school uniform on. I'm surprised he survived to make it to breakfast!

I was surprised also at the amount of early morning animated discussion on facebook about it, with people getting really angry! The poor schools seem to get it in the neck - whatever decision they make.

When I was working full time I used to think snow days were great - those who struggled into work felt good about themselves, that they had made an extra effort etc, and those that didn't had a justified reason to get back under the duvet and eat chocolate.

Positive all round if you are making the shall I or shan't I decisions. (Not so much if you are one of the brothers who is going to school leaving the other one in his PJ's!)

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