My Sad day how can you say goodbye

To day I have had to say goodbye forever is never an easy thing to do.
But I know my lovely sister Norma is always with me in my heart and in my mind and in my keeping,
I can hear her voice everyday and her laughter nothing can take this away from me ever.
R I P my beautiful strong lovely lady.
Norma always loved horses and told me that when she moved up  north she would have a horse and get her shopping done with it. this never happened, Norma suffered from Juvenile Arthritis. 
but this never stopped her oh no. she was told not to have any children so she had four.Brian.Ian.Steve. and last but least her daughter can see her in the extras feeding the most beautiful horses Albie and Bertie Polo mints. 
I dreamt  this morning that my Norma was riding a horse across a field
at full gallop .Then I saw  a vision of my Norma riding on one of the glass coach Horses Bertie I think she was naked with her hair flying over her shoulders and she said to me ~~~~~~~~~ I have always wanted to do that~~~~~~~~~
I love her~~~~~~~~I miss her~~~~~~~~~~She will always be mine in my heart forever. goodbye till we meet again.
these two Stallions have been in a number of adverts I am told the Black Horse.lloyds bank.there manes and tails were so long ,and they have them platted so when they are on show they hang in beautiful waves.
very moving experience for me and all the family and Norma's death has brought us all much closer together . Brings it home how short A  time can be on this earth~~~~~~~~~~~~

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