At Priestfields' Edge, Aylesford

First day off of the year so far and I really needed it, especially after more commuting woes on the way home. I reckon over two thirds of the delays I experience in my regular joyous travels are to do with signal or track failures. Network Sodding Rail have a lot to answer for - not least my anger management levels!
 At least it meant a lie-in today and helped increase my efforts to do more exercise - I fitted two lots in before 10 a.m. Then it was off to get Friday night's ready meal, take today's shot and have a swift pint at my local. Still on the to do list is more washing, sorting out images ready for some more prints and getting a head start on tomorrow's dinner.
I'm trying to keep busy to try to stop thinking about yet another "consultation process" regarding jobs at where I work. It happens, on average, about every three years and it sets everyone on edge. As far as I know we are not affected (at least not yet) as we don't work directly for our principal employer, we were outsourced to a service company quite a few moons ago. I'm just going to keep keeping on and hope to be pleasantly surprised!

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