Before Dennis

Our orienteering event, planned for Sunday, has been postponed for a week as we all batten down the hatches in preparation for the arrival of Storm Dennis.  So it's been a morning of e-mailing helpers; permission folks; convenience suppliers; the police etc etc.

The local tv coverage has all been coming from the Calder Valley where residents and business owners are in despair, still clearing up from the Storm Ciara floods last weekend.  A month's rain in 24 hours is predicted, complicated further by gale force winds.  We are in the amber alert area.

Everyone informed, I went out to the Tittle Tattle coffee morning and stayed for Book Club where I very much enjoyed the discussion of 'Atonement' with several different views aired.  Back at home, Robert and David had done a fantastic job of putting up the coving in the living room.  I think I will come down from this event by painting it, and possibly the stairwall which was decorated with tea splatters when Tony threw the tea tray down the stairs!  Today I sent a photo of the unscathed teapot and the dent it made in the wall to Highland Stoneware, and they were rightly impressed.  I think my teapot may feature on their FB page!

The curtains are drawn, the wood burner lit.  The washing up will be done shortly, followed by baths and then my new jigsaw will take up the remainder of the evening.

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