Flower Friday : : Tulip Magnolia Tree

This 'Tulip Tree', little more than a 4 foot tall stick* planted in the parking strip next to a busy road, has valiantly burst into the most spectacular bloom just in time for Valentine's Day. I like it much better than the giant balloon bouquets,* tied by somebody trying to sell them, to the signals at all four corners of a busy intersection just down the street. Not that they're bad, but the blossoms were free and the little tree had a big heart!

Saint Valentine, a 3rd century Roman saint is celebrated on February 14. From the high Middle Ages his Saints' Day has been associated with a tradition of courtly love. He is also a patron saint of epilepsy. 

That's an interesting combination...why? Who thinks up these things....and what do balloons have to do with it?

It seems the emperor Claudius had Valentine beheaded on roughly this day back in 270 A.D. It seems that Claudius, a notoriously cruel and unpopular leader, believed that he was having difficulty getting soldiers to join his armies because of their strong attachment to their wives and families, so he banned marriage. Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret. It seems he lost his head for his trouble. 

For further fascinating facts on St Valentine check out Freespiral's journal for today.

Happy Valentine's Day...I'm all in favor of celebrating love, courtly or otherwise.... 

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