
Snow day. Delighted when the text came from school.

Infact I couldn't have been happier if I had had a text from the beardy one in the sky telling me I had won the lottery and that Dave Grohl would be delivering the cheque to me personally, naked with a huge red ribbon round his man parts neck.

New sledges bought, a few tantrums had, home for lunch, I had a couple of miles run in the snow, second attempt at sledging much more successful and the girls much happier. It was all going to so well right up to the point where Lottie sledged way too fast down the slope and over the edge of a wall. Luckily it was only a couple of foot high and she was fine and started laughing within a couple of minutes.

They are still out playing and I have had chance to read a couple of books. One fantastic thriller by Nicci French and one called The New Rules: A guide to dating. It includes dead handy tips like don't have a moustache ( yes that's aimed at the woman !!), wait for 4 hours to reply to a man's text and don't write on his Facebook wall. Jeez I am 41. I think I will just follow my own advice which is
stop dating emotional fuckwits don't settle for less than I am worth.

God could I sound any more like Bridget jones.

Anyway,stay warm and safe folks.

It's goodnight from me and it's good night from them

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