Coming down

Tomorrow I have a meeting at mid-day that I'm not particularly looking forward to. Before I left the house to go to the park this afternoon I spent most of my time getting things ready for this meeting. On my way to the sanctuary I stopped for a few moments at the bench where I'd photographed Mr Robin before, hoping to be able to get a few quick shots of him but he didn't come down this time.

I still had to finish preparing some folders that I need to take with me to the meeting so I wanted to go home as quickly as possible and not spend too much time wandering around the park looking for a blip. Fortunately, when I was walking out of the park I spotted this patch of snow that looked as if it was going to come down fairly soon.

It felt less cold today and some of the snow has started to melt somewhat. It's now beginning to turn into a grey/brown slush where it has frequently been walked and driven. Temperatures are forecast to go down again a few degrees though over the next few days.

I still had the 18-135 mm lens on the camera but only because I'd forgotten to change it again.

The folders that I have to take with me tomorrow still need some work so I'll try to catch up on commenting and replying to comments when I can. :)

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