
By Poppy

More Socks!

In the run-up to Christmas I was swamped with orders for socks but eventually I got them all completed and sent off just about in time! Some of the orders were from Blippers, you know who you are, so thank you!

Since the New Year I've been trying to get some more knitted, ready for the opening of the craft shop at the beginning of February. I've also just ordered more wool, in new colours that I haven't used before, so that's really exciting. Looking forward to them coming home and knitting them up.

After feeling very left out in the snow-stakes, we have had a good few flurries today, but just big wet flakes and none of it lying for long. Instead of building snowmen, I've been busy painting the new utility room! Looking good . . . but I'm reliably informed it will need a couple more coats yet . . . !

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