Random Andom

By RandomAndom

2013 Day 21: My First Day Going Solo

After spending two weeks in the Dundee branch, I was eager to get to work and get to know my team in the Aberdeen store.

I was a little bit like a rabbit caught in the headlights. It's a very different operation to anything I've ever done.
I've spent the past couple of weeks doing e-learning, filling out various paperwork and signing various risk assessments to show I know how to work in a paint shop without losing a limb or an eyeball. I'm very find of all my limbs and both my eyeballs so I do appreciate the need to review these documents, but good god they are dull. And not much help in a practical sense of the day to day running of the store.

The team in my store seem like a good bunch, and my asst manager has been in the store for over 20 years so I'm in good hands.

Im in a far better position than I was this time last year.
This time a year ago I had just started in the cafe, and I was slowly but surely beginning to realise what a dire predicament I got myself into.
Now I'm far happier with my new company, they seem very organised, it's better money, proper benefits, less hours, and they provide free tea and coffee. Today I had more hot drinks than I've ever had in the space of a day.

Roll on tomorrow.

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