
As you all know I had to get a new computer as the one I had "ceremoniously(?) died" 2 weeks ago. The shiny new sparkly one is fandabbydozie however I lost all my work.....therefore tomorrow I begin the mammoth task of re-doing all my bookkeeping that I be precise from the 1 August!! I had already done my VAT return up to the 31/10 but now need to go back and repeat it.... BUMMER and then get my next VAT return ready for the end of Jan.....DOUBLE BUMMER! Today, I re-sorted it into chronological order so that it is ready to get stuck into after the school and nursery run.

As many of you know Snuffles bit Jessica last week (wednesday) and it was the final straw. Her foot is healing nicely although I wish it didn't have to heal!! Anyway today Snuffles moved home, down to Mauchline to be precise to be with her new family, including Shuggy the Dug!! Love that name x She will be ok but I was very emotional this morning and had to pop in and say goodbye to her. Mum and Dad set off around 11am. It's been a long day!

The kids have been amazing. They were upset on Wednesday evening and Thursday but I said they weren't allowed to see the dog again so they have bounced back and are absolutely fine now.

Jessica's nursery (at Centre 1) was closed along with the whole tax office due to the heating failing. I had to collect her a little early but she was a little out of sorts today.....she may have what Johnny had!! Time will tell.

See you all later.


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