My Diary
I started to write diary Jan.1 1999 and have done it every year since. It is a Moleskine book with 120 pages. That means I have to write 10 pages every month to have it filled up at the end of the year. It is said that Ernest Hemingway did it. If he did I can do too! I make a record of my thoughts, what I experience or what I see, the moment they occur to me wherever I am. I regret that I did not start before. I have been travelling regulary and yearly around in the world more than 35 years, mostly in Europe but also other places, also in Eastern Europe before 1989 and the cold war time as the representative for the Norwegian Silicon- and Ferrosilicon producer Elkem or the German company Hoechst AG. I have worked in Germany. I have been oficer in the Norwegian Artillery and I have been sailor going around Cape Town, even only one year as a 18 years old boy that wanted a breake to see the world. I still remember from that time - but only recorded in my living memory. Question is if my descendants will find my diaries interesting? I don`t know. They decide. However, my diary is still a very good travelling pal and we can sit alone together relaxing, thinking and writing. Today I would have felt lonely travelling without it. Yes, I would.
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