living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Snow Day!

It was an absolutely perfect day for playing in the snow- so that we did (after a small diversion of driving around looking for a sledge which turned out pointless as there were no sledges anywhere!) Anyway, the weather was beautifully warm so the snow didn't stick around very long but we had fun anyway. We made snow angels and a snowman and jumped off of snow hills. When we were thoroughly snowed out we had some lunch and visited SDB for a wonderful afternoon with her and her kidlets. C and Z resumed their sometimes tumultuous relationship- they do really like each other but they sometimes have trouble with sharing and turn taking (which can result in some epic shrieking from both parties)- but what 3-4 year old doesn't? I had a lovely time, anyway, and it was much needed after being hit with the back-to-work-blues!

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