Where is Storm Dennis?

This morning the sun was shining and the sky was blue so off I went for a little trek up the hill. I love zooming about up hills. I can climb hills very, very quickly. My very lovely owner, Ann, can't! She puffs and pants her way to the top but I don't mind because it gives me lots of extra sniffing about time. Yay!

And guess who I met at the top of the hill?......................... My bestest friend in the whole world......................… 'Bertie the Beardie'. I haven't seen him for ages so we were allowed to play and play and play. I LOVE Bertie and he loves me!

We walked down the hill via the duck pond. Ann had seen some photos on Facebook of the path that was flooded around it and she wanted to take a look as she's never, ever, seen the path flooded before. She's never, ever, seen rats there before either.  But this morning we saw a HUGE rat just running about in full view of everyone. I wanted to go chasing but by this time I was on my lead! Booohooo.

Anyway Ann is on a mission to walk 20,000 steps each day so early afternoon I went for another walk. And then she walked to the 'Meet & Greet' she was doing instead of taking the bus and after that she went for a swim but only swam 20 lengths instead of her usual 60 because there were too many squealy brats in the pool. I had a lovely afternoon snoozing in my bed. And then I went for a little trek around the block for toileting purposes. But still no sign of Storm Dennis.

However, it's now almost 7pm and it's sounding a bit windy outside. Maybe Storm Dennis has finally arrived. We don't care. We're warm and cosy indoors now.

Happy Sunday evening peeps. Stay safe. xx

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