I've got a few fly tipping reports to make
tomorrow to Teignbridge council. I went down to check on the River Teign levels at Chudleigh bridge this afternoon, the first thing I came across was a load of roofing slates, some in polythene sacks others just stacked, further down the track an abandoned gas barbecue, old carpet, plus other refuse. When I came back up to cross the bridge I spotted this furniture dumped down over the bank. It makes my blood boil .... It will be interesting to see if the dumped double bed mattress is still on the beach in Chudleigh Knighton after all this flooding
I drove back home late yesterday afternoon, the road badly flooded, fortunately I had other vehicles in front of me so was able to judge where best to go through in my little low down Toyota Aygo. I really wanted to lift my legs off the pedals, I was just waiting for the water to seep in, but I did'nt, & it did'nt, thankfully. Phew! I was so relieved to reach the other side of the flooding. People still driving like idiots, no idea what may be around the corner, or below the flood water.
This morning I gave my little Aygo a blast in case it was feeling the effects of yesterdays soggy experience. I checked out the river Teign levels, next in to the Coop, then I checked the allotment. I was worried my wormery may have taken flight in Storm Dennis but it was still intact. No other visible damage. Cool! Back to base, breakfast, then I sorted a load of paperwork, hubby's pension stuff needed attention.
Back to the external hard drive, more browsing and not enough deleting. Gosh! I've saved a load of rubbish. I need to be brutal! If any one else looked through they would probably delete the lot.
Tomorrow I've got ironing, then dingly danglies to make.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday
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