Storm Dennis

We noticed that the road outside our house was rather busy this morning, but didn’t think too much of it. That was until the husband came back from a run this morning; flooding. The road was closed and some houses had been flooded. We took the boys out to have a look a bit later on, by which time the water had gone done considerably, but the damage was done. We felt a bit wrong going to see it all when there were people who had had such damage done to their homes. I don’t think it was anything too bad, but there were plenty of sandbags outside houses!

It was only when we got back we thought to check our cellar, which we had been told is prone to damp - and had already decided that the mattress we’d put down there needed to come up as soon as possible. The mattress is now on the landing drying out, the cellar is flooded by about 3 - 4 inches of water. Thankfully, we hadn’t put anything else down there.

Found a beautiful reservoir this afternoon, took the boys out for a bike ride and got chocolate. I think the key to outdoor happiness has to be hot chocolate!

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