Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies

Actually updating from my laptop for once (although still a phone photo), but haven't got much to say with this luxurious keyboard!

Today was a dull, very Monday-ish day. Did not want to get out of bed and go into work. Was lucky enough to get a lift rather than have to sit on the bus, but the traffic was bad and it made me late. And I felt uninspired and blah all day.

Not up to much this evening, but just realised I missed Lewis (or all but the last 10 minutes of it). Will I ever get round to STV Playering it?

Tomorrow, though, I am embarking on one of the things I said in this entry that I would try to do - I'm going to my first French class. I should note that I've also have a couple of good walks up hills since I wrote that entry!

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