
By mindbop


Saturday 19 January 2013: delinquents.
Today got off to a fairly terrible start.

After going to bed at one the night before, I woke up at three and just didn't sleep again. I spent all night willing myself to snooze, listening to Stephen Fry's Dulcet tones and watching various episodes of things. But to no avail.

Then, at eight, I got a text from a girl at work who couldn't get out of her drive because of the snow, begging me to go in early. By some miracle, I made it to the shop for nine. It was all the more frustrating because absolutely nobody was shopping, and I had to keep warm (the heater seemed to be blowing out cold air) by marching up and down the shop. I'm not sure a working day has ever gone so slowly. I never thought I'd miss the customers.

When closing time finally arrived, I traipsed home, only falling over once, and collapsed in a heap in the lounge. Anu came round for dinner and I somehow convinced myself that School Days on two hours sleep would be a laugh. It was.

This was us trying to look like the naughty school girls we never were. Cindy definitely nailed it. We ended up pre-drinking in Tocil and pretending we were in first year again. It was a weird and wonderful night.

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