Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Where am I?

Most of you probably know by now.

I left home at 1230 and parked my car at Newcastle airport ready for my flight at 1530. The airport was really quite quiet. It was a beautiful sunny day too.

We took off on time and arrived early. My taxi driver was waiting at the exit. He told me that he speaks English “only in phrases” but he was fluent enough to entertain me with tales of the city throughout the journey.

The hotel is just under the tower at one end of this bridge. It is very comfortable. The mod cons could not be modder!

The restaurant was full and I was taken into an overflow room on my own. Within 20 mins the overflow was full too. Service was slow but the food and the beer were very good.

A Finnish couple came to the next table. It was his 16th birthday (sic) so I assumed he was 60. They worked so hard to speak to me in English and I was full of admiration. By the end of the evening I had an invite to go and stay at their summer house on the shores of a beautiful lake!!

I have not unpacked but I ventured out to take my first images. This was handheld in very low light. I’ll have the tripod next time.....but I do like the pink in the sky.

Back at home, Eva is looking after Mum. Oscar is accepting strokes from Mum too. All good.

PS the cable did not emerge but I will buy one tomorrow in the city.

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