Mr John

By MrJohn

Snow .....

..... walk.

This evenings circuit training was cancelled due to the snowy weather and the Grammar school being closed, So myself, Alison, Mr M and Eban decided to go for a snow walk on the moor instead.

We walked up to the tarn which is currently frozen over. I made a quick light painting of Mr M and Alison shooting magic rays at each other ( as you do ) and then we carried on our walk up to White Wells.

The views over Ilkley are lovely with all the snow and the snow clouds are glowing reflecting the street lights and pitch lights from the Ben Rhydding sports ground.

I made another more subtle light painting once we reached White Wells and then the four of us walked back down to the park, as Mr M had seen a giant snow penis earlier when he was walking Eban. Unfortunatley all that was left of the chilly phallus were two huge snow balls ( probably juast as well as it was in the childrens playground ).

In all we were out for just over two hours and probably burnt as much energy as we would have circuit training. I'm now just about to tuck in to a huge plate of jerk chicken casserole with rice. The easy option would have been for me to blip one of the light paintings, but in all the time I've been on blip I don't think I've blipped a landscape that didn't have a person or animal as the focal point. So today's blip is the view on our .....

..... Snow walk.

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