
By CharlotteJ

Lady pilot

We are amazed we managed to get out of Hereford! As on Sunday our left and right out options were closed. The right option still is and will be for sometime as we have to go over the Wye to get out and that area is completely under water.
Our left option amazingly receded and the relief road was open.
As I’m sure you may have seen, the area is badly damaged and has hit records for river levels at 6.11 meters. Lots of property flooded....thankfully we are on a hill so our property is more than ok, other than wind damage to fence panels and a few leaks through windows but that is a story for another day!

Our flight to Berlin was delayed by half hour, yet we arrived almost on time!

We had a lady pilot...I don’t know why I’m impressed with that, maybe because I grew up believing only men could be pilots! She had a calming voice and advised that we might get some ‘bumps’....if I know about turbulence, I’m fine. We only came across a few bumps at the end of the flight.
By the time we got to hotel it was quite late but we both fancied a quick drink.

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