horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Damn, I'm Hot!

Blinkin' photography magazines and their 'ideas'...

Snowed all day; didn't lie. Bah. But today I did order a designer belt, and organise the loan of a cycling GPS to give it a try while I flog stuff on eBay to potentially buy my own (Paypal account being about 30 quid short of the total required, but this is my resurrected 'buy yourself nice stuff without it costing anything' option). The belt didn't fall into that category. But it was nice. And 50% off. So, y'know, perfectly justified.

Four years ago Princess Anne was making children cry. Really, she was, I blipped it ergo it's true.

Speaking of resurrection, I've got back on track with some John Kendrick Bangs notions. If you've never heard of him then you're missing out on a fabulous satirist operating from the late 1800s into the early 1900s. I recommend starting with A House-Boat on the Styx, and if you've got a Kindle or the Kindle app it's free. Last night I downloaded more of his back catalogue - part entertainment, part research. Seriously, the House-Boat has some of the best one-liners you will ever read. Introduced to me by my Latin teacher way back in the mists of time, I've promised myself a first edition on completion of one stage of my JKB plans - at present I think my copy is second edition. Which is much nicer than having it on a computer screen; but more expensive (remember the 'zero pounds' reference to the cost up there?).

Go on. Get onto Amazon. Download it. Stop reading this nonsense.

Best laugh of the day courtesy of the Daily Mash which told us that, in these straitened times, people are downgrading their bucket lists, which included one young lady who had always wanted to swim with dolphins, but who last week made do with lying in a bath while her husband threw fish fingers at her.

Also found out today (this is becoming a long post, I do hope that if you're still reading this far there was a hiatus while you went off to downlaod the House-Boat book) that there are reasonably priced tickets still available for the London NFL match in October between the 49ers and the Jaguars. I've always wanted to go to an American Football match, since I was a young kid banished to another room to watch it on Channel 4 with Gary Imlach and the guy who used to be a kicker for the New Orleans Saints. I was a Dolphins fan (much like the Daily Mash lady), and loved watching Dan Marino. Tempted by the possibility...

And in final resurrection news, I've started planning for the celebration of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today I bought my first Creme Egg of 2013.

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