Sans Rival

Landed in Kuala Lumpur 5 past 7 this morning, then a 4-hour wait, during which I managed to charge everything that had to be charged, plus updated here and posted the latest album on FB, then the 4-hour flight to MNL.  Landed at 14.55.  Promptly at 15.30, I was in the waiting area, looking for Mimi, and there she was!  Ordered a GRAB car and by 16.00 we were at the same hotel I stayed in last January.

After freshening up and plugging the laptop to be charged again, we went out to change money and to have dinner (at one restaurant) and dessert (in another).  They had run out of the ube cake of last time as it's terribly popular, so I settled for this, which isn't as good but did very well anyway.  Finally, back to the hotel so that I could rest, as it will be a long day tomorrow.

I miss AW, and I miss India.  Have to focus on the business at hand, though.  I won't have to 'work' everyday, but there'll be a couple of important appointments to keep this coming week.

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