Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Another dark and gloomy day, but not terribly cold so I spent some time in the hide this afternoon.  I set the Auto ISO max to 1600 and still had to drop the shutter down to 1/500 to accommodate the poor light.  However, this gave me a chance to scrutinize my shots at this high ISO and you know what?  They aren't bad and I would consider the amount of noise in this image to be acceptable for screen. I didn't manipulate or edit this other than a crop; if I were going to print it, I'd put it through some de-noise software but didn't bother in this case.  

There are chipmunks out all around the yard and woods right now.  I don't remember seeing quite so many out in previous winters although this is usually about the time they come out of their burrows to mate.  While I was in the hide, two different chipmunks were making trips to fill their cheeks with seeds before scampering back across the lawn and into the woods.  I think the warm temps and lack of snow has them a little off their normal cycle.  

When I got up this morning, all four turkeys were on the patio foraging for seeds ... along with 7 squirrels!  The turkeys were out there for well over an hour and when I finally went out to put out more seed, they only retreated to the edge of the woods where they continued to forage.  When I got back from the gym, they were all up in the woods laying down.  What a sight.  I adore them....

Hubs and I will be tuning in to the Democratic Town Hall meetings in Nevada tonight - Sanders, Buttigieg , and Klobuchar.  I find the town hall formats to be a good way to get a better sense of each candidate.

So, that's a wrap for today...


Fitness Notes - Since my foot is still sore, I opted to do 40 minutes (6 miles) on the elliptical instead of any treadmill time.  

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