My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Feeding the green jobs!

A day out with N today while L was at nursery.

A couple of visits to make first... talking at the Maudsley, bloods at the Marsden and then we went for a delicious tapas lunch at a Spanish restaurant in South Kensington. Good cheese!

We took a walk around the Serpentine in Hyde Park and on the way we saw a tree full of parakeets. A group of people had gathered around the base, feeding them apples and monkey nuts out of their hands. So tame! I spotted half an apple on the ground so decided to have a go... and I got one! Here it is in this photo! Brilliant!

The lake was full of wild birds. We wandered along, hand in hand, just enjoying a bit of “us” time which has been lacking for a while. Had to stop off for tea and cake on the way back to Victoria station too... yum!

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