That's Life!

By Agan

Where's That Shrink?

Jeeze, what a day - it's cold, cold, cold, cold and there's worse to come. So leaving the car, without gloves, to take photos of the shiny, twisting pipes and spewing chimneys of an oil plant - Suncor's Mississauga Lubricant Centre - suggests a trip to the local shrink might be in order . . .

"Interesting point," says Jools as I thaw out. "Just Google Suncor Mississauga and one of the first things you'll find is a 'Community' newsletter praising the company's local environment efforts." - - "Wonder why oil companies are always harping about their contribution to the environment they're often destroying. Are they trying to make us feel guilty about criticising them; or are they feeling guilt about their activities?"

Hmm, only a shrink could answer that.

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