Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Knot, a what-not

Had an interesting phone call this morning, Cordelia asking me to be interviewed and photographed for a magazine. This will be at my flat tomorrow.
When this phone call ended I got an email request to appear in a Music Video, not sure what this is but I'll find out by and by. Perhaps it's my new colour hair that's inviting all this diversity.
Then, meeting up with a few friends, one of them wanted us to do a bit of bird watching as she'd been told there were a (flock?, there must be a name!) of Knots (Waders) that she would like to see. So off we did go in weather that was rather erratic in behaviour, but it favoured us okay.
My camera is not that state of the art for this type of photography and we didn't like to hang around for too long given the foreboding clouds and darkness on the horizon. Never-the-less, these are Knots, take my word for it.

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