As it is

By asitis

Sewing, Spanish, swirly swirls, sledging #homeed #

Boo sewed, through card not fabric but she sewed. Last time we tried she struggled and gave up - frustrated. That was about a year ago. Today she asked to, picked it up and did it. No mistakes, no hesitation.
Yogi swirled, swirls. We have very few books for 'bookwork', it's not really how we work learningwise. We do, however, have these rather simple Spanish 'preschool' books. More than anything they encourage swirly swirly writing. Lots of fluid wrist movement with no particular 'goal'. The reception books we see here have them attempting to form strict rigid letters including lots of recognition and 'reading' at age 4/5 the Spanish preschool books go up to about age 7, they get them swirly swirling, 'tis great. The former leads to lots of self flagellation, the latter to lots of fun and enthusiasm. We prefer the latter but need to get hold of more, more easily 1? each in Spain £9 + postage here in the UK - seriously they're each about 16 pages maximum.... We'll wait until our next trip thank you very much. The key to these books is that Yogi loves them. She chooses to do them quite a lot, they're not 'work' to her. When she's had enough she puts them away.
The three of them practiced their spanish, with the 'workbooks' being in Spanish and me being a little bit mean they had to work together to translate the instructions for Yogi to complete each page. Examples include 'colour, in blue, the bird that is flying, in pink, the bird that is swimming'. They enjoy it, and they choose to do it. Really I'd be willing to translate if they'd like me to but they don't. They enjoy the sense of achievement they get when I say 'yup, that's it'. I'm not critical when they don't get it either, I help them along or I tell them outright. If it stops being enjoyed they'll give it up, I'd rather it stayed enjoyable.
At the end of the day they inevitably went out sledging - well two of them did. Yogi's not a huge fan of the cold and the snow, so Boo & Ed headed out for as long as they could.

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