Joe Tree Day

Change...I forgot to put up a tree blip to remember Joe Tree the founder of Blipfoto. It has changed many lives and introduced me to some of the loveliest people ever. I’m so grateful for meeting many blippers in person and via the website. This tree is in my street outside our house, it’s quite dark outside and I’m surprised it came out looking like daytime. I will add the original geranium to extras.

I like these geranium sanguinuems, they don’t mind the heat or cold. The regular pelagonium geraniums that are popular can’t cope with our winters and I need to bring them inside for the frosty months.

This morning I had an appointment with an Exercise Physiologist to see if we could improve my painful knees. She was very good and I wish I had gone 45 years ago ( but they didn’t have the EP profession back in those days). Now I have homework delivered in an App on my phone. I pulled up well after my two new exercise sessions yesterday and will return for a combined weight and circuit session tomorrow. I think I’ll give the cardio session a miss as I can do it at home ( and I felt way too young ). I loved the weight session, it made me feel good.

We had 21mm rain in a storm last night, today was beautiful, blue sky and 21°. Good things come to those who wait. Thanks to those who sent rain...

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