Snuggles with daddy
Once again I slept well despite being snotty and gunky. Awake just after daddy left for work at 6am, and mummy once again had to bathe my eyes as they were completely stuck shut. I went back to sleep for a while before we got up for breakfast.
I played with my toys with Thomas this morning, chasing my ball across the room - Thomas kept chasing me which made me giggle!
At lunch time I sat in my chair, but didn't make it to the end of lunch before I fell asleep.
Mummy packed my pudding and when I woke up we went to auntie nics house to see auntie nics, hollie and ava, auntie rie, Sophie and Joshua and lizzie. Mummy had warned everyone that I was snotty and gunky and to keep their distance!
This evening I'm feeling a bit rubbish and I'm quite hot. Mummy has given me some calpol and when daddy got home I had some snoozy snuggles with him.
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