We took the train to royal today. A lovely friend had very kindly arranged tickets for the theatre. It meant we got to enjoy some time in Leeds before the theatre. We wandered the art gallery and went in to the library, seemingly passing through the hallways of hogwarts to get there. They had some really gorgeous children’s books. Katie snuggled on my knee for a pile of stories.

Earlier in the day, one of the shopping centres had a house that had appeared in it.... it was a Cadbury house with lots of people having fun with hot chocolate. I’d whisked katie away assuming it would be very expensive. Turned out that it was totally free... we queued for a few minutes and got to create amazing hot chocolates with every imaginable topping available all in a free mug. Extra attached of the creations!

The shopping centre is just across from the playhouse so we dashed across in perfect time. We had amazing seats two rows from the front and thoroughly enjoyed an extremely wonderful production of the Wizard of Oz.

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