A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

How shopping should be!

Yes, we all know that Hebs hates shopping. Dreadful pastime. Unfortunately necessary.

Solution - shopping centre at 9.30 in the evening.

Joy to the world - no bugger there except me and the Asda employees counting the minutes till 10pm.

Didn't go for anything important - just some decent wallet files to put my Year 11's coursework portfolios together - I think we've finally cracked it...and not much marking to do because I've been doing it as we go along. So hopefully, in 2 weeks time, the moderator can come in, check my assessments and I will have my group all with a secure GCSE. Can't wait to see their happy smiling faces.

Highlight of my day was probably when I gave my Year 10 group my usual line to get them quiet...it went like this

"Right guys, I know I say this all the time, and its probably a really 'old person' thing to say, but in the words of Elvis, can we have a little less conversation...."

To which at least half the group, unprompted and in perfect time with each other, sang back "....a little more action"

And they worked well and made brilliant progress, and one of my sometimes challenging kids (who I do have a big soft spot for but she can be a waking nightmare at times) was so compliant, co-operative and full of loveliness today...I was doing her a massive favour at the time, but this doesn't normal stop her from screeching at me, so it was a lovely treat to be subjected to her being nice.

And finally, my personal revelation of the day - I don't know if I have any sort of faith in God, or a God, but I have always liked to believe, or hope, that there is a 'somewhere' or 'something' after the people we love pass away. I've realised last where that place is - its in the hearts and memories of the people left behind. That's where spirit sits. I feel a lot better today with that thought in my mind - that for as long as I remember the people who mattered but are no longer here, then they have gone on to somewhere ...and for me, that means that my dear Aunty Pat HAS found Jim, because in my memories, they have and will always be together. Its a comforting thought (you might think I'm nuts, but I know that already)

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