This blip of the quagmire that is East Princes Street Gardens was taken from Waverley Bridge because all the gates into the Gardens were padlocked shut.
I will forego the rant but just say I find it disturbing that Underbelly is responsible for this desecration and refuses along with the ‘toon cooncil’ to divulge how much money they made on their Christmas/ New Year extravaganza. The same council have just increased my council tax by 4.86% or thereabouts while cutting services to education amongst others and today denied me the pleasure of strolling through the gardens in the rain and wind to admire the snowdrops which are not yet submerged in the burgeoning Nor Loch.

My sanguinity was restored by a catch up with a cycling friend who thought to test my resolve about not eating cake by ordering one enormous slice of carrot cake. I was allowed to blip it as my extra if I didn’t show her face

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