The Rocky Road to Dublin
Mr B was playing this song this morning as we left the house and, thanks to the wind and Ryanair, the road was a little too rocky!
Once safely on the ground, TallGirl and I taxied into town with the chattiest taxi driver, a good intro for TallGirl into the local accent (and friendliness). Quick turnaround at the hotel then off to forage for food; I had eaten but TallGirl gets air sick so doesn’t eat before or during a flight.
Most happily Raheny_Eye was able to meet us for a chat, and some hours slipped away while I resisted strongly the encouragement to show off my shockingly bad French, and - of course - forgot to take a photo to mark the mini blip-meet. As ever there is the feeling that you are meeting for the first time someone you have known for years.
Once he skipped off to his next social engagement, we shop-hopped through the rain for a while, then decided to forego the lazy pleasure of room service for a meal out.
Turns out Temple Bar really does have a stag party in every restaurant... Still, I only had one pint spilled on me, and I don’t think TallGirl heard any new-to-her language. And the food was grand. The Guinness wasn’t half bad either (even TG had a taste).
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