Biffa Lane

So called because there used to be a company called Biffa on the left of the picture until it closed and the land used for houses. This lane runs from Bowers Row which was once a coal mine Allerton Bywater to Mickletown and Methley it passes Lowther Lake and crosses the canal and River Aire the other side of St Aidans which was  an open cast coal site at one time. Probably used by miners going to and from work as well as local people. 

Found out that Molly has got kidney problems but we have caught it just border stage 2, she has to have medication and a low protein diet which will cost £2 a tin of food which is a bit different to the 35p a tin I pay now plus the cost of medication, which we can get cheaper off the internet even with paying for a prescription from the vet (all this has been discussed with her) Poor Molly can't have treats unless they have a very low protein content, or her favourite bedtime treat of half a sausage a definite no no, she has to have her blood pressure taken every 3 months and a urine sample check every month.  I will be bankrupt by the end of 6 months, but as Paula said she will drop some of the charities she supports because charity begins  at home and we've gotta look after our babies.

Oh and another thing, yesterday we got a phone call from a garage at Sherburn in Elmet, who said they had just got our Toyota Prius in to have a new catalytic converter fitted and did we want a courtesy car whilst it was being done. it was delivered by the company who took it away. The girl was most surprised when I explained it wasn't ours anymore and we were waiting for the insurance company to pay us it's market value.  I will have to ring the insurance co. to see what is happening.

At the moment I just wish everything could settle down we seem to have spent the last few weeks with so much going on I feel stressed out, and it's raining again so more flooding, bet the road will be closed again, plus our main road is undergoing massive repairs and replacement  to the water system by Yorkshire water, top half has been closed for 3 weeks so we have to detour every time we want to go anywhere and next week they are starting on the middle bit past the bottom of our street so that will be a laugh I don't think. The whole project is taking around 3 months then with a bit of luck we won't have constant burst pipes which are like giant fountains when they go

Sorry everyone. End of today's whinge.

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