Dancing Squizzer !!

I think this is the male sqizzer he is bigger than the other one
and not so skittish, he flies around my garden with great speed
flying from one branch to the other, tree to tree and runs up and
down them like a squizzer possessed, it is hilarious to watch.
We have had over night snow and all morning we have blizzards
but the wind had died down a bit so not drifting quite as bad, we
have three foot snow drifts on both roads, but the firm up the road
from us have to get there workers in, so the guy ploughed the hill
which is great for the others round here that need to get to work.
I had to nip sprightly over the gate this morning with the shovel to
dig away the drifted snow to enable me to open it, the dogs had
great fun, and it's right snowball snow.
This shot is a bit fuzzy but it's an action shot...yes :-))) Go large
to see the snow on him and his one eye. He does have two
Hope your all fine and keeping warm.

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