Saturday Stormy Shenanigans

It's slightly annoying when your internal alarm clock thinks you're working today, and goes off at silly early o'clock.

However, on the plus side it means I was up and about and sorted well before 9am.

22nd Feb would have been mum and dads 56th wedding anniversary. Mum is usually away, but isn't headed off till next week. I drove her up to the  church yard where dads ashes are scattered and she laid some fresh flowers down. The wind was biting and I was glad of a cuppa ( or 4) at Lanercost Tea rooms.

When I got home Tom thought we should get out on a walk incase the weather turned rough later. I wasn't keen but donned the thermals and off we went. It was really challenging trying to walk against the wind on the way back. Even though we were only out a shirt time we were both soaked to the skin. (Although I'm sure not as soaked as D, H and Molly in Windermere last week).

I'm looking forward to Prosecco and a steak dinner this evening.

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