
By Sefferdog

Little Blue Heron

I went up to Lochloosa this morning and it was COLD and windy!! When I pulled up I looked over towards the water and a little blue heron stared back at me. Snagged him for the Blip Big Year.

Within the next thirty minutes I managed to also shoot a white heron, tri-colored heron, red shouldered hawk, bald eagle, marsh wren, black bird, and a cardinal. Oh, I forgot the grebe.

I watched two tri-colored herons run the white heron out of the marsh. They dogged that poor bird and chased it across the lake until they were convinced it was not coming back. I wish I had a longer lens to have captured that!

Anyway, clod morning, but a fun one. Met a gentleman back there as I was leaving and got an invite to shoot up towards Gainseville at some areas he is familiar with! Great day.

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