A day late....but a busy day so here I am late blipping again!
Friday was a provincial strike day...some 2,000,000 students had the day off school while the teachers walked strike lines and gathered at Queen's Park in Toronto to demand the government return to the bargaining table. It was -15 C (windchill of -21C) when I arrived at work. A chilly first shift for sure but at the end of the day, it was good news. Bargaining had crossing fingers.
My birthday celebrations continued through the day...kind of comical actually. It is the birthday that never ends ;) Had a 'birthday' lunch with colleagues...and then went out for a delicious dinner at a local pub with live music with some more friends. One of the friends is also a colleague who has been off. She announced that she is officially going to retire as of next Friday. An early retirement and not one that she was expecting or wanting to take, but due to the toxic environment at work, one that she has to as her own health is suffering. Sad when people can affect you that much.... Arrived home late so was too tired to blip.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!! Keep smiling :))
D x
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