Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

How do you like...

...your eggs in the morning at lunchtime...
Helen was home alone ( Mike is walking in Scotland, in this weather - ha! ) so we thought we'd meet up and have a little outing to Sheffield. 
First stop the Virgin Lounge for coffee. My bank has been taken over by Virgin Money, so we can now go into the lounge and get free coffee, read the paper, use the bowling alley and even do a spot of banking if we're so inclined!
Second on the itinerary - the exhibition of drawings from Chatsworth, just opened in the Millennium Galleries. Interesting!
Next Tamper for lunch - New Zealand food and ambience meets Sheffield architectural history! The menu was very reliant on eggs though ;)
A spot of shopping to follow while Roy sorted his mobile at the Vodafone shop, then coffee at the food outlet where the old Co-op used to be. We raised the age profile somewhat, but enjoyed the experience anyway...
Helen was a great city guide, and even she found new places to go this aft!

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