and through the wire...

By hesscat

The Dreghorn Sludge

What is this weather like? We left home today in a blizzard and 10 minutes later were in the sun, We decided to go a walk in Edinburgh and on the way it poured down. It dried up by the time we got to Dreghorn Woods which I'd often passed and wondered what it was like. We came across these trenches constructed over 100 years ago to allow soldiers to practice for WW1 and again, but less so, for WW2. The woods became overgrown post WW2 and were only restored in 2013. It was a nice walk, but the snow came on and our attempts to then leave the park were hampered by The Dreghorn Sludge - we could see the bridge out but took us ages to get to it - the paths were a mudfest.

The soldiers here called it The Dreghorn sludge: "It caked on your kilt  so that the pleats lacerated your knees like knives". We managed to get out with our kilts intact but shoes totally sludged!

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